Educate and Empower Yourself About Sex Trafficking in Maine

  • What is Human Trafficking?

    Any minor under the age of 18 who is induced to perform a commercial sex act is a victim of human trafficking according to U.S. law, regardless of whether there is force, fraud or coercion. Increasingly, criminal organizations, such as gangs, are luring children from local schools into commercial sexual exploitation or trafficking.

    The U.S. Department of State defines human trafficking as “a crime involving the exploitation of someone for the purposes of compelled labor or a commercial sex act through the use of force, fraud, or coercion.” They also assert that when a person under the age of 18 is led to perform a commercial sex act, “it is a crime regardless of whether there is any force, fraud, or coercion.” This is happening in Maine!

  • How do Sex Traffickers Get Victims?

    Victims can be enticed through many ways. Being lured, cohered and forced are how trafficking obtain their victims. How?

    • Being told that an orphaned child living in poverty can get a better education
    • Telling an abused person that they will help them flee
    • Telling a woman that they can fulfill her lifetime dream of being wealthy
    • Abducting children
    • Threatening their lives

  • What are the signs of human trafficking?

    • Child stopped attending school
    • Sudden or dramatic change in behavior
    • Failing relationships
    • Being secretive
    • person appear disconnected from family, friends, community organizations, or houses of worship?
    • Signs of drug or alcohol abuse