Who are the Rising Stars and What is the Rising Stars Project?

The Rising Stars are “new” members of the Rotary Club of Saco Bay Sunset. The Rotary motto is: Service Above Self. An object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise… With that said the newer members of Rotary were tasked with committing to their own project that would “provide service to others , promote integrity, and advice world understanding, goodwill, and peace…..

The Rising Stars Project: It all begins with an idea! Let’s “stop human trafficking” by education everyone that it exists in ME!

Our club members are dedicated people who share a passion for ending human trafficking / modern slavery.

Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back. Join Rotary Club of Saco Bay Sunset!

  • It all began with an idea of how to stop human trafficking.

  • We can work together to educate everyone about sex human trafficking in Maine.

  • Know what human trafficking is, how you can stop it and what resources there are for those who are trafficked.